
[美國直購] Satechi BT MediaRemote 黑色 多媒體 遙控器 iPhone/iPad/Mac 專用 Multi-Media Remote Control大特賣,想要的朋友看過來!!

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[美國直購] Satechi BT MediaRemote 黑色 多媒體 遙控器 iPhone/iPad/Mac 專用 Multi-Media Remote Control台灣樂天購物網,台灣樂天市場購物網,日本樂天購物網站,樂天市場購物網站,樂天購物網站,台灣樂天購物,台灣樂天市場網站,樂天購物網,日本樂天購物網,樂天購物

[美國直購] Satechi BT MediaRemote 黑色 多媒體 遙控器 iPhone/iPad/Mac 專用 Multi-Media Remote Control

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有關[美國直購] Satechi BT MediaRemote 黑色 多媒體 遙控器 iPhone/iPad/Mac 專用 Multi-Media Remote Control的詳細介紹如下:


Bluetooth 3.0 HID, Class II profile. Works with: iPhone, iPad and other OS compatible devices (iMac, Macbook Air, Mac mini, etc.), and also Android phones and tablets that support Bluetooth HID.

Media playback controls include play/pause, fast forward/rewind, volume up/down, mute. Home button can be used to activate Sir

Via volume up button, you can take pictures with iPhone camera without leaving yourself out and eliminate any camera instability.

Powers with two CR-2025 coin cell batteries and boasts up to 6 months battery life.

Compact and lightweight, Satechi BT Media Remote is the ultimate multi-media companion for your Android device. Enjoy the convenience of controlling your media wirelessly whether it is connected to your TV, dock station or car stereo.

Multi Media Remote Control

Connected to your TV, a dock station or car stereo you can, play, pause, skip tracks and mute or adjust the volume of music or video content on your Android device from up to 33 ft. away.

Bluetooth 3.0

BT Media Remote supports Bluetooth 3.0 HID, Class II profile. It is compatible with: Samsung Galaxy S2, S3, S4 / Galaxy Note, Note II / Galaxy Nexus / Galaxy Tab.

Home Button

Thanks to the Home button on the BT Media Remote, you can quickly travel to your mobile device's home screen at the touch of a button.

Camera Remote Shutter

The enter button on BT Media Remote will trigger the Camera app to take a photo just like a camera remote control. This means you can place the Android device on a tripod or stand, and snap a blur-free shot. The remote is also perfect for group shots, where you can be included!!

6 Months Battery Life

BT Media Remote powers with two CR-2025 coin cell batteries and boasts up to 6 months battery life.

What's in the Box

Satechi BT Media Remote, User Manual

Shipping Weight: 6.1 ounces



[美國直購] Satechi BT MediaRemote 黑色 多媒體 遙控器 iPhone/iPad/Mac 專用 Multi-Media Remote Control



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